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Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Protecting the privacy of our visitors is important to us. Any contact information you provide in an information request will be used only to respond to you. We will not divulge any information to third parties without your authorization unless required by law to do so.

We may collect information regarding the IP addresses of visitors to our site. This information will be used internally to anticipate demands on our servers and predict site traffic flow. It will not be used to identify individuals and will not be divulged to third parties.


The content of this web site is provided for general informational purposes only. While we strive to be up to date, the information provided may not always be the most recent information available on that topic. 

We attempt to ensure that all documents, PDFs and downloadable files are free from viruses, but cannot guarantee that all downloads are virus-free or have not been otherwise tampered with or damaged. We recommend users run the latest virus software on all downloads. This website, its host, or its owner is/are not, nor will be responsible for any damage done by viruses or other damaged files may be downloaded from this site. 

All content on this site is presented as is, with no expressed or implied warranties. 

The sites linked to are for informational purposes, but have no connection or affiliation with this site, its host, or its owner unless otherwise stated. We are not responsible for the content on sites to which we are linked.