Interested in having a float in the Band Day parade? Register here!
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Band Day Parade Entry Registration

Ready to register your float in the Band Day parade on May 10 ? Please review the guidelines below and get in touch with us if you have any questions about your plans. We HIGHLY encourage you to plan a fun float! Have fun creating something unique for the Band Day crowd. All entries must be decorated in order to participate. Registration will close April 25. 

Float line-up will occur along 18th St E, at the college and Williston ARC campus and parking lots. The parade will run east to west on 18th St and north to south on 2nd Ave West to Harmon Park. Line-up instructions will be e-mailed out the week prior to Band Day and posted on our website and Facebook pages. Please provide accurate contact information!
Line-up instructions will be e-mailed out the week prior to Band Day and posted on our website and Facebook pages. The Williston Band Day Committee has adopted the following rules regarding float entries:
1. No Political Entries, with the exception of current elected or appointed officials
2. No loud music other than live band music (per Williston CVB’s discretion)
3. No commercial vehicles UNLESS decorated or pulling a float
4. No controversial entries (per Williston CVB’s discretion)
5. If your parade entry includes multiple motorized vehicles, a maximum of five vehicles no larger than a pickup is allowed. See cost information for multiple vehicle entries, below.
6. If your motorized entry is larger than a pickup, you are limited to one vehicle OR one vehicle/trailer combination.
7. Your parade entry must be able to navigate the parade route and lineup without special consideration. A limited number of heavy equipment entries will be allowed in 2025. No enclosed cargo semi tractor trailer combinations are allowed.
8. No items thrown into the crowd or onto the street from a vehicle. If you would like to have hand-outs, please designate a walker(s) to walk along the edge of the route to distribute candy. This is a matter of safety for observers (creates situations where people are running into the parade in front of drivers or animals) and for parade participants (who may roll an ankle or trip on thrown items or be unable to brake in time if someone darts from the crowd in front of them).
We do not inspect for safety, nor do we warrant the conditions of the parade route to be suitable for all types of floats. All registrations are subject to approval by the Band Day Committee, which will have final approval of entry registrations and reserves the right to deny participation to any entry which does not conform to the registration entry form information.
Size, Cost and Quantity of Entries: no tractor trailers are allowed in the Band Day Parade. If your parade entry is oversized (larger than a pickup truck), you are limited to ONE motorized vehicle or ONE vehicle/trailer combination. The event donation for each parade entry is $50, with a $25 fee for each additional motorized vehicle in your entry (limit 4 additional motorized vehicles).

Please note: there are mandatory safety meetings for parade participants. Please plan to have a representative from your parade entry attend one of the following meetings: TBA

If you would like to download, print and return the float registration in person, you can find the form here. 
We would love to have you join us! Contact us with any questions at 701-774-9041 or e-mail

Point of Contact
Register Your Entry